Unwired Mini Kossel

By lkarlslund

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about 9 years
<p>Thanks, I will give that a try. I'm running Marlin on my other Printers and will port the settings.</p>
about 9 years
<p>I have uploaded Configuration.h and 20150430.epr. These are the configuration files for Repetier 0.92.3 (upload to <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://www.repetier.com/firmware/v092/">http://www.repetier.com/firmware/v092/</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;adjust)&nbsp;and&nbsp;my&nbsp;EEPROM&nbsp;dump&nbsp;from&nbsp;a&nbsp;couple&nbsp;of&nbsp;days&nbsp;ago.&nbsp;YMMV,&nbsp;but&nbsp;you&nbsp;can&nbsp;start&nbsp;with that.</p>
about 9 years
<p>Excellent design, thanks for sharing. This is my first delta and I'm having a hard time finding the right parameters to print properly. Can you share your firmware config please?</p>
about 9 years
<p>Thank you. It did come out quite well. There are three parts that need an update: upper corner, lower corner (they need holes for wires in both sides, and bigger hole size). Also I think the parts for connecting the rails to the arms could be improved, I haven't drawn them up yet, but will do it, now that you mention you wish to build this.</p><p>Also I have made an experimental effector, using two fans. One fan cools the E3D hotend all the time, and blows most of the air through the other fan when that is powered off. When you want to cool your print, the second fan turns on, and both fans blow into the effector, forcing the air out through 20 ducts in the bottom of the effector. You have to see it to understand it, I think. I posted about it here (it's in&nbsp;Danish, sorry,&nbsp;but&nbsp;you&nbsp;can see&nbsp;the&nbsp;pictures):</p><p><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/3dprinter/permalink/1089354857746409/">https://www.facebook.com/groups/3dprinter/permalink/1089354857746409/</a></p>
about 9 years
<p>So neat! I am gonna make this! Just pressed the order button on the aluminum extrusions... Bye bye free time! :)</p><p>So, does it work as intended? Anything I should consider doing different? thanks for the great design!</p>


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