Features:Hidden wiring. All wires run inside extrusions and top/base corner parts.Very rigid. Base corner part is 60mm high, and 2020 extrusions ensure no wobliness.285mm build height, due to raised hotend. Only the hot part is under the effector, giving almost 40mm extra build height. Also the bed is lovered into the frame, giving 10mm more.Fold up universal spool holder on the back.Easy load extruder on the back tower. Filament is routed via a guide, to prevent kinks.All parts are my own design, but with heavy inspiration from all the other delta style printers on the internet.Please note, that some parts are drilled with 2.5mm drill bit, and then tapped for M3 threads. I have only used M3 nuts when I felt it was necessary.CHANGES 2015-05-19Tower Plate V2 fixed.stl - it was missing a hole. Lots of downloads, and *no comments* about this. Amazing.Spring extruder plate 2020 tight.stl - the extruder for NEMA17 and MK8 gear. I updated it with tighter tolerances, as I found the arm a bit flappy.CHANGES 2015-04-26Arduino Holder.stl - reinforced mounts for 40mm fansLower Corner.stl - bigger hole for internal wiring, added logoUpper Corner.stl - slightly bigger hole for internal wiringADDED Tower plate V2.stl - this version does not need to be tapped for M3. Just use nuts instead. You need a 16mm bolt for the left side and a 20mm for the right side.ADDED Effector with fan cooling.stl - experimental design with two fans. Both fans blow air into the effector. When the printer is powered up, one fan is constantly running to cool the hotend. Most air escapes through the other fan (which is turned off). To cool your print, the second fan is turned on, forcing air out through the 20 small air-channels in the bottom. Try it!ADDED Fold Down Spool Holder Parking Clamp.stl - haven't had time to test it yet.
~25 x 6mm M3 hex cap screws
~100 x 10mm M3 hex cap screws
~50 x 20mm M3 hex cap screws
~6 x 35mm M3 hex cap screws
~10 x M3 nuts
(I'd recommend just getting 100 of each, I've probably used more)
9 x 240MM 2020 extrusions
3 x 620MM 2020 extrusions
100 x T-slot 3mm inserts (it's going to be a b*tch to assemble with M3 nuts)
45 x 10mm M3 hex cap screws
6 x F623ZZ flange bearings (3x10x4mm)
3 x 20mm M3 hex cap screws
3 x M3 nuts
3 x NEMA17 stepper motors
3 x MGN12 12mm miniature linear rail slide 400mm rail
3 x MGN12H carriage
24 x 6mm M3 hex cap screws
5m GT2 belt
3 x 16 teeth GT2 pulley for NEMA17 steppers
3 x micro switches 20x10x4mm (epoxy glued on)
1 x E3D hot end V5 or V6 for 1.75mm bowden extrusion
12 x 20mm M3 screws
6 x M3 nuts
1 x 240mm Mini Kossel carbon fibre Traxxas arms kit (3 arms, 12 Traxxas rod ends, 12 4mm screws, glue etc).
3 x rubber bands for stiffening up the Traxxas rod ends
1 x 30mm fan 12V (10mm thickness, for cooling hot end)
1 x NEMA17 stepper motors
1 x 600mm 4OD 2ID PFTE tubing (bowden tube)
1 x pneumatic push connector 4mm to M5 (for extruder)
5 x 16mm M3 hex cap screws
1 x 12mm M3 hex cap screws
3 x 15-20mm stiff spring
1 x 180mm borosilicate glass plate
1 x 180mm silicone heater pad
1 x 180mm foam pad (ca. 8 mm thickness)
1 x 180mm stiff heat resistant material
1-2 x rubber bands
3 x 6mm M3 hex cap screws
3 x 35mm M3 hex cap screws
2 x 608ZZ bearings
1 x 15-20cm M6 threaded rod
Arduino Mega 2560
Ramps 1.4 board
4 x stepper drivers
I used an Xbox 360 PSU I had, it's 175W and can do stand-by via PS_ON connector
Soldering iron / multimeter
Unbraco set with rounded heads (otherwise some parts are impossible to assemble)
3D printer for parts you see here
Dupont connectors and crimping tools for reliable connections
Patience / lots of spare time
<p>Thanks, I will give that a try. I'm running Marlin on my other Printers and will port the settings.</p>
over 9 years
<p>I have uploaded Configuration.h and 20150430.epr. These are the configuration files for Repetier 0.92.3 (upload to <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://www.repetier.com/firmware/v092/">http://www.repetier.com/firmware/v092/</a> and adjust) and my EEPROM dump from a couple of days ago. YMMV, but you can start with that.</p>
over 9 years
<p>Excellent design, thanks for sharing. This is my first delta and I'm having a hard time finding the right parameters to print properly. Can you share your firmware config please?</p>
over 9 years
<p>Thank you. It did come out quite well. There are three parts that need an update: upper corner, lower corner (they need holes for wires in both sides, and bigger hole size). Also I think the parts for connecting the rails to the arms could be improved, I haven't drawn them up yet, but will do it, now that you mention you wish to build this.</p><p>Also I have made an experimental effector, using two fans. One fan cools the E3D hotend all the time, and blows most of the air through the other fan when that is powered off. When you want to cool your print, the second fan turns on, and both fans blow into the effector, forcing the air out through 20 ducts in the bottom of the effector. You have to see it to understand it, I think. I posted about it here (it's in Danish, sorry, but you can see the pictures):</p><p><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/3dprinter/permalink/1089354857746409/">https://www.facebook.com/groups/3dprinter/permalink/1089354857746409/</a></p>
over 9 years
<p>So neat! I am gonna make this! Just pressed the order button on the aluminum extrusions... Bye bye free time! :)</p><p>So, does it work as intended? Anything I should consider doing different? thanks for the great design!</p>