Printed without support at 0.65mm extrusion width and 0.4mm layerheight. Sliders were printed w/ 2 perimeters, the box with 1. You candial your favorite number of slots in the openscad source.The banana jacks are experimental. My specimens are still going stongafter about 50 insertions using 0.6mm wire. The jacks appear to workbest with plugs that have a "cage spring". Classic plugs with a"banana spring" work too, but you need to orient them so that thespring opposes the wire for reliable contact. The "bunch of springywire" style plugs don't seem to work reliably because the contact wiresets itself between the spring wires instead of compressing any ofthem.I use 5cm pieces of 3mm dia. PLA filament as spring guide (ballpointpen springs will buckle when not supported). I straighten the piecesby heating them with hot air until gravity starts to bend them, thenlet them cool while rolling between two flat surfaces.When friction-welding the spring-guide to the slider, I put the slideron the rail and spin through the hole in the box to get the angleperfectly. I move the slider slightly during welding to ensure thatthe filament does not weld to the box.
- [ per slot ]
- 2x 6cm length of 0.6mm dia. nickel/silver/gold plated copper wire.
- 1x compression spring from discarded ballpoint pen.
- 1x 5cm straightened 3mm dia. filament. (used as spring guide,
friction-welded or glued into a pit in the slider)