This is a fix for ""Some have experienced difficulty printing. This will hopefully help alleviate some of those problems.Instructions-Print with brim.-Remove cylinder around the pin by cutting along the seam carefully with an exacto.-you can toss the rectangle, that's only to give it enough cooling time + fan time.
when i print the switch and pin, the switch is very weak at the connection point where the pin connects. the switch print breaks. i am not sure how to edit the stl to make the walls a bit thicker where the pin connects.
time to learn i guess.. ;)
about 10 years
I'm going to try substituting a metal pin and switch - my first try printing this didn't work well. I think the metal will look nice.
over 10 years
<p>Finally got these printed, I ended up having to use a raft over a brim, not sure what I've been doing wrong. Once again thanks for the awesome work and helping users with problems out Valcrow.</p>
I am Canadian, I make fun 3D printed things, and enjoy coffee. I use Ultimaker 2+'sCheck out our stuff here: Redicubricks.comPrint to order things: