Ducati 1199 Superbike (Complex)

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Ducati 1199 Superbike (Complex)

Published at 2024-05-02

By Valcrow



11 objects 302 Followers
Joined over 11 years ago valcrow@redicubricks.com


Ducati 1199 Superbike (COMPLEX)Intermediate-advance modellers recommended... for now.*Model refinements and detailed instructions coming soon for beginner/intermediate modellers.*This is a 40+ part build designed specifically for FDM printers like the Ultimaker. This example was printed on an ultimaker original at varying resolutions from 0.1mm / layer to 0.15mm / layer. Painted in Enamels, acrylics and lacquers. -Some fitting and filing may be required.-Superglue is required for a tight fit, but everything has a peg/slot to assist in assembly and alignment.-front Steering works, rear wheels do not turn if chain is present. (for obvious reasons)-Requires rear stand to be free standing.You will need standard file setSuper glueexacto knifeStart with the Body + engine block and build outwards.print body at lower layer height one at a time for smoother outer finish. More info on the bike on the Ultimaker blog: https://www.ultimaker.com/blogs/news/2014/09/03/3d-printed-ducati-1199-superbike Look for an upcoming guide to printing & assembly!


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21 days
Hola como va? No entiendo como comprarlo, donde hay que hacer click?
about 2 years
[url=http://FM2PLAY.com] ดูหนังออนไลน์ฟรี [/url]
almost 3 years
Réalisation de cette DUCATI avec ma Artillery Sidewinder X2, en essayant d'y mettre quelques petites touches personnelles. 20220303_000540.jpg
about 3 years
The Ultimaker Blog link is broken (Error 404). If there is any other guidance available re: printing and assembly, it would be helpful to post that here as documentation. There are plenty of live review videos on YouTube, as visual references. There are also videos on YouTube by folks who have printed, painted & assembled this model. Links to some of those may be helpful. e.g.: Live Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-ja01btI0E Model Assembly: https://youtu.be/5cz84wMxaLI
over 3 years
ducati-1199-superbike waar kan ik de assemblage voorbeeld vinden.
Mamun Karim
Mamun Karim
over 4 years
total size plz
almost 5 years
A lot of reverse engineering.. congratulations :)
about 5 years
@T.A. You can use the "I printed this design" button to upload photos and notes. If you want to upload modified parts, you should contact the designer.
Àlex Tutusaus
Àlex Tutusaus
about 5 years
Prueba si te deja colgar un enlace a un dropbox o google drive o similar....
T. A.
T. A.
about 5 years
Hola, sabeis como puedo subir fotos o como se puede editar este archivo? Tengo información complementaria que sería muy util para los demas
T. A.
T. A.
about 5 years
@Rowjac. No son dos neumaticos, son las dos partes de la llanta delantera. Aparte tambien hay que imprimir dos discos y dos frenos. Esta muy bien todo la verdad pero un pequeño tutorial estaria bien. Si puedo cuando la termine lo hago para compartirlo
about 5 years
@T.A. As you probably figured out, you have to mirror one of the right handles to make a left. I don't remember about printing two front tire pieces, but I assume you are correct. These are probably oversights by the designer. All in all though, it's a very good model.
T. A.
T. A.
about 5 years
falta la maneta derecha y la llanta delantera hay que especificar que hay que imprimir dos unidades
almost 6 years
did 2 weeks
over 6 years
@Giacomo Sagone: Yes, you have to mirror one of the left handles to make a right handle. This must have been an oversight by the designer, but easy to fix. I used Meshmixer to mirror the part, but you might be able to do it in your slicer as well.
Giacomo Sagone
Giacomo Sagone
over 6 years
Why I have 2 left handless and I haven't right handless???
about 7 years
@rowiac thanks for the reaction, I'm going to try to fix it. printing is going well. But support remains problem, left with support right without. https://ibb.co/cwVpyb
about 7 years
@gerkon: It looks like the normals are flipped on that part, but it sliced OK for me at 0.15mm layer height in S3D. It does not need support. I tried flipping normals by using the repair tool in S3D, but it didn't work correctly. You could try repairing it in Meshmixer if it still won't slice properly for you.
about 7 years
@waever: The model is approximately 1:6 scale, near as can tell by measuring the wheel diameters.
about 7 years
very nice motorcycle I am working on printing ducati but I found out that main boddy left stl is wrong if I open it in simplify3d. I can print part but is not beautiful and can not apply support. does someone have a solution for me?
about 7 years
Hi Anyone have any idea what is the scale of the bike model? Thanks
about 9 years
I have almost got all the parts printed. Do you have an instruction or illustrations as to how these parts connect. Thanks
Àlex Tutusaus
Àlex Tutusaus
over 9 years
A new feature "just added" I guess.
pingnagan p
pingnagan p
over 9 years
Just press the Download button at the top, you should get a zip file
Àlex Tutusaus
Àlex Tutusaus
over 9 years
Is there a way to download ALL files at once instead of one by one!??!?!
Àlex Tutusaus
Àlex Tutusaus
over 9 years
Is there a way to download ALL files at once instead of one by one!??!?!
almost 10 years
<p>@kareem no, no supports needed on the engine, print as is with a brim if you're afraid of knocking over. Don't change the angle it's optimized to work the way it is.</p><p>@inresca I have no clue... I don't see why not if you can print ninja flex normally. Be sure to post a picture if you do! :P</p>
almost 10 years
<p>If i print the wheels with semiflex ninjaflex will it work?</p>
almost 10 years
Going to start with printing the engine. It's upright on an angle. Do I need to print with supports?
about 10 years
Thnx @Valcrow, i completed it yesterday, really nice project! Will post some pics later.
about 10 years
<p>@supersic58 That's correct, the front disk breaks, handles and holders are intended to be mirrored in Cura. All the logically symmetrical pieces should be done this way. Including the front rim. You also need 2 x 1199 shafts. There are no mirrored bits near the middle and back of the bike just the front wheel section.</p>
about 10 years
@Valcrow, Super design, started printing this, but i have 2 questions. 1- the front break holders, there is only 1 piece in the file, there should be a mirror version of this? 2- same question for the handels? or am i doing something wrong?
over 10 years
@Valcrow First of all I changed my name from Stewe12 to Trispit. I already have a complete the motorcycle, but no photos worth sharing yet. What printed by section are you tallking about? I think I have some good looking prints I could share with settings or hints and tips for newbies :) I am willing to help you with a manual of instructions if you want. Also the stand should be the first part of this model to print! I made it as a last part, because I have troubles printing it with 0.08mm and 0.1mm layer. Big mistake! Much trouble gluing the motorcycle together without standing and ended breaking one small thingie from clutch assembly.
over 10 years
@ frank2908 Thanks, yes I know the exhaust is kinda wrong physically. But you're right, I did it that way so that it would print nicely, and connect nicely so that it 'looks' right. It's a tricky balance. That's one part that I printed extra fine. @stewe12 Looks great! You should definitely post more pictures on the 'printed by' section. It is intended to be printed without much processing &amp; supports. There are still some tolerance issues I know.. I'm in the process of ironing those out so I appreciate the feedback. The forks ARE particularly large. I had to sand them down a bit too so it's not entirely your printers fault. :p Be sure to print a stand first. it doesn't stand by itself and the clutch is rather fragile when it flops over.
over 10 years
<p>Hi,</p><p>thank you for amazing model. I&nbsp;made it&nbsp;without&nbsp;any&nbsp;postprocessing, just&nbsp;as&nbsp;showcase&nbsp;what can&nbsp;be&nbsp;done.&nbsp;Only&nbsp;thing I&nbsp;did&nbsp;was&nbsp;a&nbsp;bit&nbsp;sanding&nbsp;of&nbsp;fork&nbsp;legs&nbsp;to&nbsp;fit,&nbsp;because&nbsp;they&nbsp;melted&nbsp;a&nbsp;little&nbsp;in&nbsp;process&nbsp;of&nbsp;printing&nbsp;- my&nbsp;pbolem, not&nbsp;the&nbsp;model.&nbsp;I printed it in silver for metal parts, red for body shell, tried see through material for window, but it wasn't looking good, so printed that in red also. Fork legs are from mettalic gold material. Overal weight for anybody interested was 280g raw motorcycle + something for supports. Printed hollow for most of the parts, 2 perimeters shell. Rear rim was a bit smaller than tire, but tight enought for superglue gluing :)</p><p>I have one photo from build, if you are interested, I can deliver more.</p><p><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="http://milpal.cz/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/3Dbike.jpg">http://milpal.cz/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/3Dbike.jpg</a></p>
over 10 years
Superb design!
over 10 years
<p>Hi, love your work, printing them now, just a small observation. The exhaust is wrong, i think. One of the exhaust is coming out of the engine then going back. The right way is the 2 exhaust should join the muffler at the bottom of the bike. Unless you design this on purpose to make it easier to print</p>
over 10 years
Did you calculate fillament needed for the total print, or the weight of the printed bike?
over 10 years
Yes, you will need to print with standard supports for the left/right clutch. I just used standard Cura generated supports. Be sure to print the stand and stick those clutches on last since if it falls over, it's going to fall directly on the clutch.
over 10 years
guess this will be covered in the "upcoming print and assembly guide" but what would you recommend to print the left and right clutch? You need supports for these don't you?
over 10 years
Simply simply amazing! Thank you for sharing your hard work! Quality models as usual! Gonna try an print this!
over 10 years
We're definitely going to try! And I think the body would look great in acetone-vapor-smoothed ABS.
over 10 years
Thank you, It is printed it all in PLA silver on a UMO. I didn't have any transparent materials on hand so I didn't try to print the windshield in transparent. The tires are painted black primer which gives it a very matte/rubber look. Other parts of the bike have a glossier varnish to differentiate the reflective properties from the rubber like tires. If you print in PET or Ninja, let us know how it goes!
over 10 years
<p>Wow, very very impressive, both the model and the print! What materials did you use, all PLA? Did you try using something transparent like PET for the wind screen? Flexible (rubber) filament for the tires?</p>

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