Hi Jotham, First I would Like to Thank You for This Design.. Iam having problems trying to Print the 3 hill Sections , I normally use Cura Engine to Slice, have tried slicr3, With no luck.. I seem to be chasing boggers / hashmarks all around the Hull Sections.. I have already wasted a complete roll of PLA on this.. Any Help is greatly appreciated.. Am using a Tron xy , with a .4mm nozzle and tried printing at .2 and .1 layer heights,.Please Help, Thank You , bman.
about 4 years
Hi Jacob,
I bought the drive shaft here -
303 Stainless Steel Round Bar Rod Shaft Milling 1mm 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 A1 - eBay<https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303-Stainless-Steel-Round-Bar-Rod-Shaft-Milling-1mm-3-4-5-6-8-10-12-16-20-25-A1/111700745974?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649>
303 STAINLESS STEEL milling Round Bar rod shaft 1mm 3mm 4mm 5mm 6mm 10mm 12mm a2. £1.99 + £12.00 P&P
Jacob Fonseca
about 4 years
Could you please send a link to where you brought the driveshaft from?
over 4 years
A way to stop it porposing if you could adjust the jet nozzle down a bit to force the nose down. a bit of trial and error to get it right have it to much and it'll nose steer
Alexander Nystedt
over 4 years
is it a problem if the pla warps ?
Alexander Nystedt
over 4 years
what cooler thingy did u have on the motor
could u send a link for it maybe ?
about 5 years
Nice design. Already printed also. Do you have normal solid file format like step or iges of the whole boat while i would add some internal parts into the hull for some fixings? Also the collar of the hatch frame could be at least 2 mm higher. And the steering part upper axis point is way too weak, it breaks easily.
Gabriel Machado
about 5 years
Hi, i just finish printing the hull, it have bend a little, i glued that way, but i wanna know if u have made some base finish and paint? i'm thinking of using some fiber glass to make the finish in the outside of the hull, what do u think?
Jotham B
over 5 years
Sure, I can send you the one in the photos, I don't use it anymore since I
have a newer version I printed. Email me your details: jotham@simply3d.co.nz
and at cost of postage I'll send it to ya. :-)
over 5 years
hi I'm from new zealand too, will you be able to print it for me? I don't have access to a printer thanks.
Jotham B
over 5 years
I can't sorry. I'm in NZ it's a little bit far away!!
You can buy a ender 3 3D printer for like about 200euro so that might be a
good option for you.
RV lea
over 5 years
hello , i'm a french boater and would like to know is it will be possible that you print it for me ? thank you
Jotham B
over 6 years
Ok. Strange, if I click it, it just goes into edit mode.
Could you PM me the part or publish it on youmagine and link it here?
over 6 years
Hi Jotham,
No link to collaborate at my end. I'm thinking collaboration is something that you will have to action from your end and an invite will come to me.
Jotham B
over 6 years
Thanks howard, that'd be great. If you click the "collaborate on this design" near the top right of the page I think it will let you edit the page, or it might send a approval request to me. Then you can add the STL file.
over 6 years
Hi Jotham,
I've had to modify the motor mount to take a Turnigy Aquastar water cooled 3660-1700KV. I have the modified STL to share but not sure how to post it here. Let me know if you want it. Maybe PM it to you.
Jotham B
over 6 years
I generally use about 20% infill and set it to use 3 perimeters. This results in almost all the hull being solid. I use super glue to join the parts. I did one in ABS and used acetone slurry which works very well. Cheers : )
over 6 years
Great work.
I've been 3d printing for 9 months, the last 3 with a new Prusa i3 Mk3. I thought I would give your boat a try. Wish me luck:-)
I hope you don't mind if I ask a couple of questions relating to a PLA printed version -
1. What percentage in-fill did you use?
2. What adhesive would you recommend for bonding the hull parts?