Holds a job in the social work sector and directly deals primarily with women and children who are fleeing domestic violence. Frequent and competent user of both Macintosh and Windows-based computer platforms.Provided emotional and mental support to wo...
This user following
At Faberdashery we make bold, audacious and uncompromising materials.Materials with soul and purpose, designed for 3D printing.
Developer and tinkerer. Makes software by day, hardware by night.
bqLabs is part of the Innovation and Robotics department of bq.All the things and all the published material cannot be considered as a final product of bq and bq takes no responsibility of its use.It must be considered as an exper...
I solve complex problems, design new futures, explore obscure corners of the world. Head of Industrial Design at http://www.socialbicycles.com. Partner in robotics at http://ww...
My name is Sébastien, connu également sous le pseudonyme de Skarab since le 56K 📞 Passionné par tout ce qui peut être exploité, amélioré, détourné d’une manière non conforme à son utilisation de base. Je partage, ici, avec vous mes tribulations en J...
Hello and welcome to my page on Youmagine! I've been handed the reigns of this account from a gracious fan and will now be uploading some of my newer stuff! You can find the majority of my free Tabletop gaming minis on these sites: Shapeways - ht...