0 objects 2 Followers
Joined almost 4 years ago Orlando, FL 32809

Specializes in the efficient use of financial and accounting software especially in fast-paced work environments.Performed root cause analysis, item master, bill of material, and labor routing.Exploring spell to get someone out of jail. Get master’s de...


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44 objects 118 Followers
Joined about 11 years ago England

At Faberdashery we make bold, audacious and uncompromising materials.Materials with soul and purpose, designed for 3D printing.

44 objects 80 Followers
Joined about 11 years ago Oslo, Norway

Developer and tinkerer. Makes software by day, hardware by night.

1 objects 15 Followers
Joined over 10 years ago dthornburg@aol.com

I am co-author of the first book on 3D printing in the Classroom and am working on a book on OpenSCAD.

6 objects 20 Followers
Joined over 10 years ago Germany

100 objects 327 Followers
Joined over 10 years ago FL, US

Combining DIY electronics and 3D printing. Weekly projects showcasing creative designs and functional projects. The Ruiz brothers are the designers behind the 3D printed projects by Adafruit Industries. 

1 objects 53 Followers
Joined over 10 years ago Swindon, UK

I am a mechanical CAD Engineer.tw: @gyrobotukf: http://www.facebook.com/gyrobotuk

4 objects 20 Followers
Joined over 10 years ago 49° 52′ 22.2″ N, 6° 26′ 43.8″ W

12 objects 54 Followers
Joined over 10 years ago Murray, Kentucistan USA

GameScape3D is a modest design studio run Jeremy Gosser (b.1973). The studio began as an OOP resale business under the name Time Portal Games in 2012 and morphed several times before becoming a resin and digital terrain modeling proprietorship. Rebr...

1 objects 8 Followers
Joined almost 10 years ago

18 objects 48 Followers
Joined almost 10 years ago United States New York

shape enthusiast

12 objects 14 Followers
Joined over 9 years ago Germany

I am working as a Lead / Senior 3D artist Deepsilver – Fishlabs.

242 objects 1352 Followers
Joined over 9 years ago U.S.A.

Hello and welcome to my page on Youmagine! I've been handed the reigns of this account from a gracious fan and will now be uploading some of my newer stuff! You can find the majority of my free Tabletop gaming minis on these sites: Shapeways - ht...

1 objects 1 Followers
Joined over 9 years ago

11 objects 29 Followers
Joined over 9 years ago

This is the official YouMagine account of Ultimaker Education. 

5 objects 6 Followers
Joined almost 9 years ago London, UK

🎮 I am a VR Artist / Experience Designer just doing experimentation and a bit of freelancing in my spare time I use Virtual Reality as a tool for 3D modeling/sculpting via MasterpieceVR and Kodon. 🎮 Feel to check out my YouTube channel containing m...

10 objects 43 Followers
Joined over 8 years ago


31 objects 7 Followers
Joined over 8 years ago Champaign, IL

MakerGirl sessions are for girls aged 7-10 and are led by university STEM women. All of our sessions teach young girls 3D printing, while also teaching them about women leaders in STEM fields, innovative companies, cutting edge technology, and much mor...

7 objects 1 Followers
Joined over 8 years ago

5 objects 43 Followers
Joined about 8 years ago

0 objects 3 Followers
Joined over 4 years ago

Agencia Seo Si su sitio web no aparece en la primera página de los resultados de búsqueda en los motores de búsqueda de Google, Bing o Yahoo, es posible que los clientes potenciales ni siquiera sepan que su negocio existe. La visibilidad en los motore...


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