I am able to use and program personal computers and programmable machine controls with demonstrated knowledge of existing/new machine programming languages. I am exploring a love binding freezer spell that will help to get rid of toxic relationships, a...
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At Faberdashery we make bold, audacious and uncompromising materials.Materials with soul and purpose, designed for 3D printing.
Mechanical designer of special purpose machinery for many industries for over 20 years.
If you wish to sell physical prints of my designs, please subscribe to my patreon https://www.patreon.com/boksbox/ for a license to print and sell them. Thank you.
Sou brasileiro da Cidade de São Paulo, sou Tecnologo, Ferramenteiro, Desenhista, Projetista e Técnico em Processo na área de usinagem Sempre exerci Minhas funcoes NAS ÁREAS Relacionadas UM plástico (áreas TODAS).
Hello and welcome to my page on Youmagine! I've been handed the reigns of this account from a gracious fan and will now be uploading some of my newer stuff! You can find the majority of my free Tabletop gaming minis on these sites: Shapeways - ht...
Convinced by 3D printing potential as a vector of social and economic changes, I take part in this movement by designing "file-objects". I believe 3D printing will become a major alternative production method, decentralized and accessible, tha...
I am a 6th-8th grade science teacher at a performing arts school in Lexington, KY.