0 objects 0 Followers
Joined over 2 years ago Tulare, CA 93274

I am Karl .Transportation ticket agent, I help plan travel itineraries by suggesting local tourist attractions and places of interest. one years back I wrote a song of prayer to break up a bad relationship which was highly appreciated by the people . P...


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94 objects 258 Followers
Joined over 11 years ago Sweden

CadCam addict hooked on 3D printing. 3D Printing evangelist and Open Source advocate. Author of "The OpenRC Project" and "OpenRailway Project". Designer, Maker, Presenter and destroyer of small parts!Pateon: https://www.patreon.com/Dan...

17 objects 9 Followers
Joined almost 11 years ago pete@rasterweb.net

Maker, Hacker, Designer... I do things.

13 objects 32 Followers
Joined almost 11 years ago Kuwait

I am from Trinidad and Tobago but I live in Kuwait.Loves technology and things that are of the "geek culture". 

116 objects 113 Followers
Joined almost 11 years ago Hurricane, Utah, USA

Winner of the TinkerCad/Makerbot chess challenge, author of 3D Printing Blueprints, and all around cool guy.http://joes3dworkbench.blogspot.com/ 

0 objects 693 Followers
Joined over 10 years ago Paris

Hi, my name is Agustin Flowalistik, and I'm a graphic designer and illustrator who fell in love with 3D printers.At first I was focused on functionality, but then I realised the user is the one who decides what to do with the object. I wil...

6 objects 7 Followers
Joined about 10 years ago

38 objects 53 Followers
Joined almost 10 years ago boksbox@gmail.com

If you wish to sell physical prints of my designs, please subscribe to my patreon https://www.patreon.com/boksbox/ for a license to print and sell them. Thank you.

242 objects 1353 Followers
Joined over 9 years ago U.S.A.

Hello and welcome to my page on Youmagine! I've been handed the reigns of this account from a gracious fan and will now be uploading some of my newer stuff! You can find the majority of my free Tabletop gaming minis on these sites: Shapeways - ht...

206 objects 727 Followers
Joined about 9 years ago My basement in Oklahoma, US

I fail when I decide to stop learning.

1 objects 6 Followers
Joined almost 9 years ago maxim.monsecour@gmail.com

1 objects 68 Followers
Joined almost 9 years ago

25 objects 13 Followers
Joined over 7 years ago Texas, U.S.A.

Given the recent changes to YouMagine, I have moved my designs to Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/john_tatum

13 objects 74 Followers
Joined over 7 years ago

4 objects 21 Followers
Joined over 7 years ago Hamburg

15 objects 5 Followers
Joined almost 7 years ago San Francisco, CA

I love creating things including tabletop games and cosplay. Most of the designs I post here will be models that help with or improve these hobbies. Occasionally, more random designs may find their way into the mix. If you would like my help on d...

57 objects 32 Followers
Joined about 6 years ago


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