أنا ديجنا باحثة ، وقد أجريت العديد من الأبحاث حول الحقائق التاريخية والكتابة عن دعاء لرد الزوج العام الماضي. ولدي أيضًا بعض القصص الشيقة في قائمة الأشياء التي سأقوم بنشرها الشهر المقبل. عملت في مشاريع بحثية متعددة في وقت واحد ونسقت أكثر من ثلاثين موظفً...
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As a little girl Monique loved to escape in books and music. She dreamt away in the fantasy and science fiction worlds of the future. In books nothing was impossible. For music she loved her walkman. Too bad hers always broke down. Monique opened t...
I am from Trinidad and Tobago but I live in Kuwait.Loves technology and things that are of the "geek culture".
I am a 3D printing and 3D modelling enthusiast and like to share my ideas and 3D objects with the world. I also make instructional video's that can be found on my own YouTube channel (Youtube channel: 3D intoFocus)
Hello and welcome to my page on Youmagine! I've been handed the reigns of this account from a gracious fan and will now be uploading some of my newer stuff! You can find the majority of my free Tabletop gaming minis on these sites: Shapeways - ht...
umbrella hitchhiker | tiny house enthusiast | cat person
Recreational Mathematics. Math Art.