Z-Axis and Print Bed for Core-XY 3D Printers with FreeCAD Source

By t-nissie

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Z-Axis and Print Bed for Core-XY 3D Printers with FreeCAD Source

By t-nissie

at 2024-05-06
Light-weight print bed gimmick for core-xy 3D-printers: Not eccentric nuts but elastic deformation fit wheels to an aluminium 2040V profile as a z-axis. A T8 2 mm pitch 8 mm lead nut is also 3D-printed. Vaseline may be a good lubricant between the lead screw and PLA nut. I designed it for my DIY 3D Printer project. Change parameters and everything with FreeCAD for your printers! An example of parameter: distance between the aluminium 2040V profile surface and the center of lead screw, 21 mm. Requirements: * 1 ztableM5.stl * 2 guide.stl * 1 switchz.stl (optional) * 1 OMRON D2F micro switch * 2 M2 x 15 mm screw (to fix a micro switch to switchz.stl) * 2 M2 washer * 1 M5 x 10 mm set screw (to fix switchz.stl to a 2040V profile) * 4 M5 x 20 mm screw (to fix guides at the both sides of the z-table) * 4 M5 x 30 mm screw (to fix wheels to guides) * 2 M5 x 75 mm screw (to fit wheels to a 2040V profile) * 4 M5 nuts * 4 wheel * 1 2040 aluminium profile with V-slots (2040V) * 1 T8 2 mm pitch 8 mm lead screw, length 350 mm * 1 stepper motor * 1 stepper motor mount holder * 1 coupler * etc. SHA 256 checksums: 5dfbd7f9e3307f42da8283f20696a559661a82d04f17f7b360a10813b5d658f3 guide.FCStd d1b374343ebbbdbe99f2032bde09b173c6758bf6366bfc2d1141bd19e8fa6cab switchz.FCStd 48ec1c600e05072ef5ec4fce24b51e80785faef6ee19470c4b39b87f7fd2780b ztableM5.FCStd 6454ae55511edd8cf1080c62ceea38e999f222d9869b829196c177b7a26cfeaa guide.stl becbfae79c41641d9d4e73add713b65d72d2b5dadcc8d9d580645f6df23a9ed2 switchz.stl e37414490393451e68eb98f55a5f593cce6839e8a3ce819567d3333178f940b5 ztableM5.stl

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