Xiaomi Yi Camera Case

By Tin Lynx

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Xiaomi Yi Camera Case

By Tin Lynx

at 2016-08-14
August 13, 2016 - Case has been improved with some changes to the base where the zip tie attaches. Improvements to the holes for the battery straps, And ergonomic adjustments for the buttons. New frame has been uploaded with 35 degree angle. If you need a different angle you can edit the source file or contact me. August 7, 2016 - After getting some flights in with this case. It’s become apparent that the area below the zip ties needs to be strengthened. Hold off on printing this current design until I make the changes to the model. I haven’t had time as of uploading this to test out the design. Use a battery strap to hold the camera inside the case. Use 2 large zip ties to attach the case to the drone frame. I’d suggest using some rubber or other material to isolate the mount from the frame due to vibrations. Included in the download are 20mm, 30mm, and 40mm variants including solidworks source files. If you print and can find improvements, let me know below and I can update the design.


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Joined over 10 years ago Toronto

I’ve spent a decade working in the film industry doing VFX work. You can find out more about what I’m working on at Tin Lynx


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