I changed my 2 x axis bearings for 2 in 1 alu block. Also added the printable version instead of alu block ( the printable block is not my design )
This carriage is made to use these blocks with a bulldog extruder e3d v6 and a inductive sensor. The alignment of the x axis is perfect with this, you can place the blocks on your smooth rods and then tighten the carriage to them so you have no binding.
I had to raise the motor to be able to get the inductive sensor under it, to achieve this i have made an adapter for between the e3d v6 and the bulldog extruder, the adapter works best with a teflon tube in it.
You need 2 regular clamps for the bowden version, and 1 regular and 1 low clamp for the direct version, i changed the heights of the belt holders, because in the mendelmax 1.5 a large bearing is used which makes the belt go lower on that side. This is made to make the belt go paralell as it travels.
I also would appreciate" i made this" photos.