Working Portal Button

By araspitfire

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Working Portal Button

By araspitfire

at 2024-05-02
I absolutely love playing Portal 2. So I decided to build a working 1500 Megawatt Aperture Science Heavy Duty Super-Colliding Super Button to switch the lights that shine on my movie collection. My first version used a barebones Arduino Uno on a proto-board, but the Trinket is much easier.. Just a bit fidely to get working if you have not used one before.. worth it as they cost so little. Have a look on Adafruit's website for instructions on programming a trinket with Arduino. If you want to switch lights on and off, I have used a transmitter unit that works with Klikaan Klikuit units.. they are similar to many other wireless light switches so should be adaptable to other countries. I ended up modeling it myself, using some 3D files that I found online someplace, that were unprintable.. The 4 STL files print well.. of course they look better with finer layers.The Portal cube is one that I downloaded from here or thingiverse... it's a hollow one, and I filled it with lead, then glued it shut.A quick video of it working can be found here: get the lights looking awesome, I painted some silver (just as opaque as black, but more reflective) paint in strategic places inside the white cover. Otherwise the light leaks out the side.Be sure to ream out and tap the holes for the button straight, or it won't look nice.There are instructions for using NeoPixels on Adafruit's website. They want the resistor and capacitor there to protect the NeoPixels. To get enough current to run the NeoPixels, I am using the USB pin on the Trinket,  If you wire everything up to the 5V , you could overload the converter, which only gives 150mA
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