hast du ein video von dem zusammen gebauten windrad oder vom zusamen baun und ist in den teilen ein generator integrirt ?
about 10 years
I will post a picture here when finished printing. There are some other projects ahead of this one, but information on the design and construction of brushless dc motors is here: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=240993
about 10 years
<p>@LenR: Do You publish the generator here on youmagine?</p>
about 10 years
I'm printing one now. Looks like the generator will be built into the section behind the blades. I am familiar with building brushless motors, it looks similar.
about 10 years
<p>0.2 mm Kupferlackdraht. Möglichst viele Wicklungen, so dass die Spule noch in den Stator passt. Die Verdrahtung der Spulen nach diesem Schema: <a href="http://sternen-motoren.de/bilder/fach3_b/F3B8k.png" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://sternen-motoren.de/bilder/fach3_b/F3B8k.png</a></p><p><br></p><p>Viel Spass!</p>
Peter Seed
about 10 years
Bitte geben Sie Informationen für Wicklungen
Peter Seed
about 10 years
Parts for a Small Wind Turbine (D = 33 cm) axis: radial bearing (D = 16 mm exterior, interior D = 5 mm) wings, nose and hub are connected with M4x53mm screws: 5 mm threaded rod stock. Next Part: Disc Generator