Willy aka Willem Alexander, King of the Netherlands as a chess piece

By Perpetual Peter

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Willy aka Willem Alexander, King of the Netherlands as a chess piece

By Perpetual Peter

at 2024-05-03
The head was modeled in Sculptris (first sculpt ever) and was combined in Rhino with a chess piece from http://www.instructables.com/id/3D-scan-your-head-and-use-it-as-an-chess-piece/?ALLSTEPSBecause the final stl is not a completely merged mesh I used in Cura the Expert Settings - Fix Horrible - Combine Everything Type B in order to prevent holes in the model.The hair and head, two different objects in Sculptris, were MeshBoleanUnion'd in Rhino.Printing with a raft is recommended to prevent the model from tipping over.
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Joined over 10 years ago gaspard@betterfuturefactory.com

The Perpetual Plastic Project is an interactive recycling installation that lets people make 3d prints with their plastic waste. The design bureau Better Future Factory designed the shredders and extruders that are used to make the filament.


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