An amphibious creature with beefy arms and scale armor. Designed in Blender 2.82 by extruding limbs from a cube, applying Catmull-Clark surface sub-dividsion and sculpting.
I tried printing it with clear PETG just to try something different, but the strings and visible air pockets didn't look so good.
Then I made another version with recycled ABS using 230°C extruder, 100°C bed and 44°C chamber (all-metal-hotend required for these temperatures). The legs got stuck on the bed due to pressing too hard on the first layer, so I had to repair it with a soldering iron. While smoothing with acetone vapor, the cracks in the legs were still weak and the character leaned backwards while soft. I corrected the posture by pushing it gently with nitrile gloves. Took a while to smooth the surface because I forgot to use a finer layer height, but the layers are gone even at 0.2 mm by sacrificing some details.
You can easily scale the model and change the bottom plate if you need it for a specific game. Use support structure to carry the arms until they are attached to the torso.