VW T5 V159 Hebel Stellmotor Temperaturklappe rechts

By JanSwitzerland

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VW T5 V159 Hebel Stellmotor Temperaturklappe rechts

By JanSwitzerland

at 2024-05-09
Hey, this is a three-part replacement lever for the temperature-changing flap motor V159 on a VW T5 Caravelle Climatronic from 2010. Testprints in PETG with 0.2 mm layer height for the lever and the star-shaped bit with 20% infill. 0.1-0.15 mm layer height and 100% infill for the pin at the end. You have to cut an inner thread in the hole on the end of the lever and sand down and recut an external thread on the small pin at the end.
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