Visor Frame (faster printing)

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Visor Frame (faster printing)

Published at 2024-05-02


2 objects 2 Followers
Joined almost 5 years ago Kiel, Germany


### Need more visor frames faster? The Visor V-Frame prints in 19 minutes with a 0.6mm nozzle. This frame is quite a bit thinner than the original one, but the V-shaped profile makes it just as rigid. ### NEW! Improved Design: No more travel moves! The new STL files now have only one single contour line, so it is no longer necessary for the nozzle to travel between outer an inner perimeters. Smoother printing, reduced print time and less print failures! See picture. ### Overnight production There are also stacked versions of theframe with an 0.25mm airgap between the parts. Obviously, the bottom sides won't be super beautiful, but that's okay, I guess. (see picture)


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almost 5 years
@exlink Hi there! Well, that depends on your nozzle. The thickness of the frame is 2.4mm. So, if you have a 0.4mm nozzle, you need "wall line count" = 3 for a 100% filled part. If you have a 0.6mm nozzle, you only need "wall line count" = 2, since the inner walls will then already touch each other, fusing into a solid piece. If you have a 0.5 mm nozzle, it would be best to pretend it to be 0.6 mm in your slicer software. It will be fine. Maybe turn up the print temperature a little bit to compensate for the 20% higher extrusion pressure. !!!!! No need for top/bottom layers or infill !!!!! Since the part is designed to be printed by a nozzle that just goes round and round again, you only need enough wall lines. Saves you precious time and the stacked parts separate easier after overnight production. I wish you good luck with the production!
almost 5 years
Hi, what do you put in "Wall line count", "top surface skin layers", top layers" and "bottom layers" And do you activated "thin walls" ? Big thank !

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