Uzi forward grips

By עוזיאל

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Uzi forward grips

By עוזיאל

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Uzi forward grips

By עוזיאל

at 2024-05-06
Did you print custom grips for your uzi 9mm and then decide you wanted custom foregrips too? Just like the last time the number "yes"es is probably pretty small. But if you're looking to round out your grip collection (starting with the set here: I got you covered. Building on the work of some guy on Grabcad (who did everything in Sketchup and was working off a replica) I have here replacement uzi foregrips. You'll need some nuts and screws, and this time we're limited by the ~3.8mm lug / rear post holes. That makes 35mm long-ish m3.5s or some #6 imperial equivalents the tightest fits we can achieve using standard options (advanced users might try sleeves, embedding threaded inserts, or whatever other cool tricks they come up with, but I was ultimately satisfied with the #6 screws used in testing). I recommend printing in nylon for the nice professional look and feel. In practice any non-pla plastic will do. I'm fond of PETG and TPU personally. I recommend using at least 30% infill. If heat is a concern or you're selling you should go ahead and do the full 100% infill instead. It's hard to pick a 'best' print orientation. Some part of your hand will be touching where the supports--and there will be supports--were, and if not post processed it will be uncomfortable. Unless you decide to print them inner side facing down. But then you'll have to remove a ton of supports. I also found a raft was helpful; without one I once ended up removing the supports and took pieces of the model with them. Some light filing to fit may be required. There's a good millimeter gap between the grips and most visible surfaces, that's normal. Droopy holes and not being able to line things up right is not normal; file away if that happens.



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