It's the one on the right. The one on the left is my older version.
I saw someone else's proton grenade prop recently, and decided to update my old design without using someone else's model for remixing.
I threw this together based on some pictures I found online from one of the comics (source:
I could have gone for the movie grenades... but they look too much like they could be actual explosives, and I'd rather not have someone see one out of context and call a cop on me. Also, I like the looks of the comic and cartoon ones better. They look more like a sci-fi prop.
Updates to this version include:
Scaling everything together
Designing with better tolerances
Improving the external details
Closing off the bottom and making a flush version of the cap
Definitely make sure you take the time to set the model to print on the correct end, not laying down as shown in the preview or on the end with the antenna looking thing.
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