Unprintable tofu drainer

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Unprintable tofu drainer

Published at 2024-05-04

By rp10007

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Joined about 11 years ago United States


Ever since I learned about pressing/draining the water out of a cut-up block of tofu before marinating it, I've been wanting to print a thing to hold the tofu off a plate to maximize drainage efficiency. (Yeah, I little obsessive, I know). So here's the design in openscad. Why "unprintable"? Because the first version, with many, many intersecting rectangles to create the holes for the water to drain through, creates a huge STL which in turn leads to G-code that does not print well at all (lots of long zigzag lines that will come up off the bed unless you have everything tweaked just right, and weak layers). So I made another version based on a technique I saw years ago (my apologies to the originator for not bookmarking) for making grids with infill. I just set the fill to 50%, specified no top or bottom shells, and presto! there was a nice, even grid in the g-code.


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