Universal Pellet Extruder - RepRap 3D Printing

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Universal Pellet Extruder - RepRap 3D Printing

Published at 2024-05-03

By RichRap



57 objects 605 Followers
Joined over 11 years ago United Kingdom


It's aimed as an open community project, so please get involved, share, develop and enhance the design process. Make upgrades and share both files and experiences so we can make a really good low cost solution for pellet based 3D printing.http://youtu.be/ZTju-EH22uYMore info is up on my blog here - http://richrap.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/no-more-filament-quest-for-universal.html


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about 6 years
An idea for keeping the hopper topped-up: perhaps a concept similar to that of an automatic waterer. An elevated bin filled with pellets that has a ½ to ¾" tube attached to the bottom. The tube then attaches to the extruder hopper to carry additional pellets. Eliminating the need to park for refills. The pellet flow could be triggered by a simple sensor like those used in agitating paintball hoppers. When it senses movement of pellets it agitates the elevated hopper to maintain the level in the tube. As for keeping the customizing efforts low an agitating paintball hopper could be used as the elevated bin.
Michael Gibilterra
Michael Gibilterra
over 6 years
How is retraction with this?
almost 7 years
about 8 years
J head = 1,75mm or 3 mm? If I look on ebay they look different.. http://www.ebay.de/itm/Long-Distance-J-head-V5-Hot-End-0-4-mm-1-75-mm-3D-Drucker-Extruder-RepRap-/181894770881?hash=item2a59c5f0c1:g:dacAAOSwhQhYxqWu This would work? https://de.aliexpress.com/item/CAA-MKV-J-Head-Hot-end-0-3mm-nozzle-for-mendel-rostock-3D-printer-filament-1/32703148981.html?spm=2114.010208.3.20.mStHNg&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_6_10065_10068_433_434_10136_10137_10138_10060_10062_10141_10056_10140_10055_10054_128_10059_10099_10103_10102_10101_10096_10052_10053_10050_10107_10142_10051_10106_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10110_10111_10112_10113_10114_10078_10079_10073_10070_10122_10123_10124,searchweb201603_5,afswitch_1,ppcSwitch_5,single_sort_0_default&btsid=0224b83f-f1f1-4a56-a57f-e6f64241f238&algo_expid=5a07c8c1-ae60-4bf8-8624-226b1503e2b8-2&algo_pvid=5a07c8c1-ae60-4bf8-8624-226b1503e2b8 Thanks for helping
about 8 years
it hit me .. put a little code like the wipe function into marlin but to make it go to a certain point where it gets filled up automaticly (by servo valve because servo's are already included to marlin) after extrude so muts mm.
about 8 years
I like it going to look into it i was already thinking of building my own filament maker whit pallets but this is kinda nice for the smaller parts i designed a few complete heads now .. i would lookin to the possibility to mount a bigger resevoir and a optic sensor for when it runs out and make it interact whit the filament sensor settings inside marlin so you can refil it ontime
Travis Connelly
Travis Connelly
almost 9 years
I am building a similar design but instead of directly using this as my extruder i am combining it with a 1.5mm nozzle to extrude usable filament from.
Tony Bova
Tony Bova
almost 9 years
Printing this this week! Would also like to know what @dgojanov asked - what changes/settings did you use in cura for a consistent flow rate?
about 9 years
What changes did you need to make in CURA to control output flow of material
about 9 years
Hi, awesome work, cant wait to try it. i would like to know if i can fix this extruder in a Delta 3d printer. thanks.
Maquinas Libres
Maquinas Libres
over 9 years
Hello, excellent invention. Did you prove it with wax?
about 10 years
Hi IronGland, i made a own desing (it's still in work), but you can see it here: http://fablab-bayreuth.de/index.php/projekte/60-3d-drucker/126-granulat-extruder
about 10 years
Hi elso, Rich put up all his files, I'm assuming if you have a need you could just alter his design with said files. Question though, what hot end system are you using? Rich mentions that the J head accepts the bit he's using after he takes out the liner, I'm wondering what hot-ends you are using.
Arrow 111
Arrow 111
about 10 years
hi, did you try to use 1.55mm nozzel and abs pellets to have 1.75mm filament? the PLA pellets need to have at least 4 controlled heaters(zones). see pla spec below. http://s23.postimg.org/be5w8u3tn/pla.jpg
about 10 years
<p>Hello, <br></p><p>fantastic work, but can you make one for a 8mm drill and one for a 10mm drill?<br><br>Thanks</p>
about 10 years
This is fantastic! Thank you for publishing your work
about 10 years
Very interesting, maybe instead of a hopper you could use a tube to feed the extruder, then there's no need for the docking station you mentioned and would possibly also save some weight.
about 10 years
I was just looking for some information about the filastruder and I thought about this pellet extruder. Maybe I'm fantasizing, but wouldn't it be possible to transform this into a filament extruder? (in my mind) it would only be necessary a 3mm nozzle, right?
over 10 years
This is fantastic! Thank you for publishing your work - and this could indeed open up 3d printers to so many specialty polymers that currently are only available in pellet forms. I was reading up today on the blog post from UnfoldLab, using with success an endless piston extruder (http://unfoldfab.blogspot.in/2014/12/Unfold-Viscotec-Professional-Paste-3D-Printing.html). I have to think harder how we could leverage this principle / moineau pump and make it easier to source in metal, but it would allow us excellent control over the extruding process!
over 10 years
I am actually quite suprised that you get any good extrusion with a such small screw, to me it seems like that it would be very prone to pulsate at the output flow since there is only a single pellet at a time beeing fed into the melt chamber? Also, the larger size of PLA pellets seems to be the same as when me and a few friends did buy a 25kg bag of PLA from Natureworks a few years ago, also quite large beads instead of the really small pellets.
over 10 years
<p>I saw in your YouTube Video at the extrusion part some air bubbles. Maybe this is a problem because your heating section is so small. So you need a longer heating section to make the extrusion more constant. Also the drill isn't the ideal tool to transport the plastic. In industries machines the "drill" is at 2/3 of it's length conical so the molten plastic will be compressed a little bit.&nbsp;</p><p>Keep up this great work and try to enlarge the heating section.&nbsp;</p>

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