Inspired by the spool holder angle that @ultiarjan designed and uses had 3 shafts banana from my ultimakers so I did this to recycle them.Tips:- Print the D2 file mirroed for the other side of the machine.- The other files, just onceThe D1 fits inside the D2 but isn't a bad idea to glue them once you short the distance.The small bearing containers of the D1 file can be screw to the long part with some 25 m3 screws.I did all this in a rush, for me works, but fell free to change anythingSTEP FILES INCLUDED, change anything, go bananas :D
- A Banana almost useless 337mm 8mm Shaft. (You could use 2 of half the size), you could even redesign the shaft holder and use a PVC tube.
- Some glue just in case
- x2 Ultimaker bearings (the ones that uses to hold the 8mm shaft/rods or the ones inside the umo+ feeder.
- Probably a new feeder or a feeder rotated.