The new Ultimaker 3 comes with a spool holder for 2 750 gram spools. I would like to print with larger spools. Therfore I have designed this upgrade. The lower spool holder easily clicks in the UM 3. For the upper spool holder only 2 m4 nuts and bolts are needed to connect the upper spool holder to the upper base. I printed it in black for a clean look.
The hook can be mounted with the orignial screw near the extruder. I have not been able to do a lot of testing with the spool holder and the guiding of the filament. If you have any idea to improve, feel free to modify the model yourself or ask me.
The parts are printed with standard UM3 fast printing settings in. I have used our MTB3D Basic PLA black for it.
MTB3D Premium: 750gr
MTB3D Basic: 1000gr
XL: 2.3 kg