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UM2go+ Feeder

By Labern

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UM2go+ Feeder

By Labern

at 2024-05-02
( Work In Progress ) Want to upgrade your 2go into a 2go+? With this printable housing and the inner parts from a UM2+ feeder you can do just that. To assemble this feeder you can buy the UM2+ upgrade kit ( https://ultimaker.com/en/products/extrusion-upgrade-kit ) and upgrade you're whole UM2go to a UM2go+, then remove the feeder parts from the feeder in the + kit and install them into this printed housing. Or you can just buy the parts listed below from you're local Ultimaker Supplier. Its designed to fit into the 2go carry case but it is a tight fit and may squish a little. Sadly 2 parts require support But I'm trying to fix that. Also the feeder is only held on by 3 of the stepper drive screws, I'm working on that 2. the main body has a tower to make sure the shaft for the Feeder Lever doesn't overheat on the final bit. To get this working on the default firmware you will need to reverse the stepper motor wires. you can push in the tabs on the plugs and pull the wires out to reverse them. you will also need to change the E steps from 282 to 738 if you use the original feeder and 369 if you use the 2+ feeder. This can be changed in Tinkergnome's firmware linked below. If you use the original feeder you will need to cut the length of the stepper shaft down so it will fit from 22mm to 13mm. this is the same length of the 2+ stepper shaft. To complete your UM2go+ upgrade I would highly recommend getting the heated bed upgrade from the Gr5store ( http://thegr5store.com/store/index.php/um/heated-bed-kit-for-um2go.html ) to get full material capabilities and also Tinkergnome's firmware for UM2go ( https://github.com/TinkerGnome/Ultimaker2Marlin/releases ) which adds the heated bed in the firmware and allows you to adjust the feeder E steps.

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