A manual I made step by step to install a UM2+ Upgrade kit on UMO+
Please share your experience or problems on the ultimaker forum
Is there anyway to get this to work (without a lot of work) on a UMO (non+) with 1.5.7 electronics.
Neotko / Sugarpop!
over 8 years
About the UM2+ Feeder. You could use the 'wedge' by Nicolinux
Or if you want to full mod it, IRobertI made a new upgrade for the UM2+ feeder so you can have a faster Manual feeding. Is at: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/um2-lazy-lever
Neotko / Sugarpop!
over 8 years
Thanks Lyle. About the firmware if you use Amedee Firmware Builder https://bultimaker.bulles.eu you can choose to invert the feeder "Invert first Extruder (0) direction"
Also, remember that if your Board is 2.1.4 you will need to install the 'Experimental' Branch at https://bultimaker.bulles.eu/experimental/ and activate the option called "Auto fan driven by the first hot-end." so the Small fan automatically starts when the hotend is at 40C or more. If your Board is 2.1.2 you can just use the normal Firmware builder to fix the reverse of the feeder. If you have any problem you can reach me on the ultimaker forum on the post linked on the description.
Neotko / Sugarpop!
over 8 years
Sure Jack B 3D, if you use the @Amedee firmware builder linked at the end of the manual https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/20983-ultimaker-original-custom-firmware-builder
With that firmware builder you can reverse the motor.
Jack B 3D
over 8 years
ive tried this but the feeder motor is going backwards. any advice?
Neotko / Sugarpop!
almost 9 years
Also, the Experimental branch, Amedee added a very cool option Called 'Fan minimum PWM' You can select the minimum pwr so the fan starts. So if your um2 fans, like mine, only start at 100/255 then with this, if you set it at 100 that will be your 0. That way you can use the fan like you did on your umo+ and it will start at 10. I don't know if I have expained myself....
Amedee defines this much better with "Defines the minimal speed for the main fan, run in PWM mode. This is a PWM value (0-255), not a percentage!"
Works like a charm! Also remember this it's the EXPERIMENTAL branch, so don't activate stuff that you don't need or know how to use unless you want to experiment.
Neotko / Sugarpop!
almost 9 years
Andreasjk Please could you try the new Amedee's builder, the experimental branch. He has added all the key parts so the hotend fan works on 2.1.4 boards with umo+ firmware.
Please test it and give us some feedback :)
almost 9 years
Hi Neotko
Thanks for all the effort! I would very much like to try it if it's get's incorporated into Amedee's firmware builder. Fortunately for now, I found a (less elegant) hack that got it to work by connecting it to another 5V port on the board:
best regards,
Neotko / Sugarpop!
almost 9 years
Well Andreasjk there's a different pin that isn't listed on the umo+ firmwares, it might or not be the problem. But on the um2 firmware there's a code on temperature.cpp that calls to the 5v fan directly without using the pins.h that's why it did seem like a no problem. Without this it won't start. Hopefully with the @Amedee 's help we might be able to add this to the custom firmware builder
#if (defined(EXTRUDER_0_AUTO_FAN_PIN) && EXTRUDER_0_AUTO_FAN_PIN > -1) || \
if(millis() - extruder_autofan_last_check > 2500) // only need to check fan state very infrequently
extruder_autofan_last_check = millis();
//For the UM2 the head fan is connected to PJ6, which does not have an Arduino PIN definition. So use direct register access.
DDRJ |= _BV(6);
if (current_temperature[0] > EXTRUDER_AUTO_FAN_TEMPERATURE
|| current_temperature[1] > EXTRUDER_AUTO_FAN_TEMPERATURE
|| current_temperature[2] > EXTRUDER_AUTO_FAN_TEMPERATURE
PORTJ |= _BV(6);
PORTJ &=~_BV(6);
Neotko / Sugarpop!
almost 9 years
As far as I can understand, and I might be wrong. The umo+ default firmware and the one from @Amedee firmware builder have all the instructions to set the 5v fan 'on'. The difference I found it's that umo+ 5v fan only starts at 50C, while um2 firmware sets this at 40C.
It’s on configuration_adv
So, I think your transistor might be dead... :S But I'll keep on looking.
Neotko / Sugarpop!
almost 9 years
Indeed um2 marlin has a "#define EXTRUDER_AUTO_FAN_TEMPERATURE 40" I'll dig more
Neotko / Sugarpop!
almost 9 years
a) The motor, WEIRD indeed. I did test the motor on 2 ultimaker o+ and it works with the default firmware. But maybe your board it's 2.1.4 (please check it).
b) The 5v fan, yesterday night I was rethinking about the mod over and over because I had a felling about that 5V fan. The think it's that 2.1.1 boards the 5v fan it's always on, but on 2.1.4 boards the 5v it's transistor controlled. I know I saw a post somewhere with someone saying that there's a setting on the firmware so it starts when the hotend reach 40C. That must be the issue since probably there's a pin call to that transistor so he goes 'hey let's cool this down'.
So. I'm going to start digging on 2.1.4 ultimaker 2+ firmware, but I don't have 2.1.4 boards so you will be the guinea pig ok? :D
I'll keep you posted!
almost 9 years
You are raising an important issue regarding sticker:)
Thanks again: fantastic manual you have made! I thought the upgrade would be long and painful but it was quite the opposite. I was able to get it all to work yesterday evening with the help form your instructions and the custom firmware builder you referred too - even including a very nice little test print before I went to bed :) I'm looking forward to test it on some more challenging prints this evening on my new UMO++, and try out some of the new nozzles.
Two minor issues I experienced: I had to inverse the extruder direction in the firmware builder – which was very easy, but perhaps you could include a short comment on that if you update the manual later on. Also I had an issue with the small 5V fan slot on the board, which was off on my board (also when heating hot-end) . This could be due to my board being slightly defect as I accidently destroyed the PWM fan transistor a few moths back, and its possible other things could have been destroyed too . But could it be that the slot have to be switched on in the firmware somewhere? However, I managed to google me to another “always on” 5V pair of pins on the UM2 board.
I’ll try to figure out how to post a picture of my upgraded printer:)
Best regards,
Neotko / Sugarpop!
almost 9 years
You are welcome!! Post a photo of your upgraded umo+2 :D
The part I still don't know how to do it's... Where should I place the sticker...?
almost 9 years
Hi Neotko and Erik
I have been following both of your post on this topic in various forums for the last few months and just want to say that all of your work is greatly appreciated!
I bought an UMO+ around a year ago, for my research at DTU Chemistry, in Denmark – e.g. to print laboratory parts for my experiments as well as 3D models of molecules and enzymes for conferences and teaching. I’m looking really forward to this upgrade which will make the printer even more relevant to my project.
Thanks a lot to Erik Cederberg great designs, for UMO+ upgrade, which I have printed, and are ready to install together with a newly purchased UM2+ extrusion upgrade kit.
I was fearing it was going to be quite a headache to get the actual installation and firmware to work in real life– I was so extremely glad when I just found this extensive and useful manual – Thanks Neotko for spending time putting it all so nicely together!!!
Best regards,