UM2 Single- & Dual-Head Fan-Cages (CPv9-Final)

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UM2 Single- & Dual-Head Fan-Cages (CPv9-Final)

Published at 2024-05-03

By mnis



20 objects 17 Followers
Joined almost 11 years ago Germany (Schleswig-Holstein)


• The final status CPv9 has been reached, no major updates will follow.• CPV 9 has been improved. The improved design reduces the accumulation of air close to the construction surface. The Hotend is now not so much influenced by the cooling, an engine stop due to the temperature-monitoring should not happen again.• CPV 9 simultaneously cools the entire printhead and your object to be printed. Are the side fan running close to 50%, then there is (... in direct comparison to the original setup) almost no risk of burns to the user from accidentally touching the printhead assembly. Even with a defect, or inactivity of the rear fan, never poses a risk to the success of your printed product. The ColdEnd will be cooled much more efficiently, this actually reduces premature wear. At the same time the object-cooling is much more targeted and therefore more powerful than before, because the cooling air stream passes much closer to the filament outlet of the nozzle. Go ahead, give it a try and experience for yourself the great difference!• As of today, they may all call me like an idiot, but please not before they've tried this upgrade itself. Of course I had spent before this announcement, many hours with experiments. And also I myself am very surprised with respect to the performance of this upgrade, which I had not expected.Let's talk about 12 screws:...Because all Ultimaker 2 users should to be very attentive now...Than here comes a ultimate free upgrade for your machine...The future is now...• What happened if...I would say the following?• Twelve screws on Ultimaker 2 printhead will soon be obsolete!• You do not have to buy an additional upgrade and no other optional components, so that the Ultimaker 2 works more efficiently than before!• You will get the opportunity to produce an upgrade for your machine itself!• With the upgrade, you get the basic preconditions for successful dual extrusion!• You will be able to cool one or even two ColdEnds more than adequate!• With the same upgrade, you will also be able to cool the objects to be printed better than ever before!• With this upgrade you need for ordinary printing operations, never again the maximum fan-performance / speed!• Your Ultimaker 2 will be able to run more quietly!• Maintenance of the Ultimaker 2 printhead will be easier than before!Important information:• For more detailed information, please see ( and in the download package) the pictures in original size.• Information regarding enhancements and bug fixes you will find in the "Comment" section.• Photos with the already assembled object does not show the latest design.• Again and again: My work for you lives solely by your feedback. If something is wrong or useless in my designs, I need more information from you so that I can ever change anything. Suggestions to improve or simplify my designs and descriptions are highly desirable. So if you use my designs and parts thereof, please take a few moments to convey a little feedback.How I Designed This:Maybe even as a layman with little technical understanding it can be seen very quickly, the setup of all currently available UM2's needs in many ways optimizations. That is why there is CPv9 and I'm glad to have done it :-)


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over 7 years
Hello and yes :-) It is of course possible to make adjustments for 40mm fans. But with identical positioning of the fans, the entire print head will need much more space. This will mainly cause problems when several objects are printed simultaneously. The slicing software used must know the new size of the entire print head so that no collisions occur. The building area will lose at least 10 mm to the left and right. The fans of the UM2 are 10 mm high, but there are also higher and lower 30 mm fans. Higher fans have better air flow at identical or lower speed, resulting in a lower running noise overall. Adjustments for higher fans are in my opinion the better choice, since then only some building height at the Z axis is lost. The time required for such an adjustment is significantly lower, but I have no time for this either.
over 7 years
Great Design! Is it possible you make a version for 40mm fans? I use 2 40mm Sunon fans, which are very silent.
over 9 years
<p>Hi<br>Gothampixel presented on Thingiverse a make of CPv9. For me it looks as if he uses the Olssen heater block and his commentary is as follows:<br><br>"Brilliant design! But you have to be careful of the fan coming on too high When the build plate is close or the temp will drop Quickly and cause a heating error.<br>Printed with mine Colorfabb's XT red "<br><br>So yes, it works :-)</p>
over 9 years
<p>Does this design fit the Olssen heater block?&nbsp;</p>
almost 10 years
<p>• Since today 03.17.2015 revised versions are available. Now there are fan-cages for the original version Ultimaker 2 CPv9(A) and also for the newer version Ultimaker 2 with the ~ 11mm shorter print head (CPv9(B) and CPv9(C)). The downloadable files are marked accordingly. </p><p>• The original Ultimaker 2 version can be equipped with the variants (A), (B) and (C), but the Ultimaker 2 with the shorter printhead needs the variant (B) or (C). Variant (B) and (C) I have not personally tested.</p><p>• Variant (C) is closer to the original design (A). The air ducts are again 50/50, for a possibly better object-cooling / print- head cooling. Please test and compare the variants (B) and (C) and give me feedback. I currently have not the time for intensive testing. I use a very long time variant (A) and there is so far no problems to report.</p><p>• Please give me feedback if something does not fit and do not forget about the most current information in the corresponding forum thread.</p><p>Markus (mnis)</p>
about 10 years
+ Since today 02.23.2015 revised versions are available. Now there are fan-cages for the original version Ultimaker 2 (A) and also for the Ultimaker 2 version (B) with the ~ 11mm shorter print head. The downloadable files are marked accordingly. The original Ultimaker 2 version can be equipped with the variants (A) and (B), but the Ultimaker 2 with the shorter printhead needs the variant (B). Variant (B) I have not personally tested. Please give me feedback if something does not fit and do not forget about the most current information in the corresponding forum thread. mnis

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