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UM2 Hood (Simple to make)

Published at 2024-05-02

By Izzy



25 objects 22 Followers
Joined about 10 years ago Hampshire, England


This is a Hood made from 2 mm Acrylic sheet with the printed parts. The hood sits on the top surface and locates on the recessed corners of the top edges on the Ultimaker, using two small magnets on the front to prevent tipping. Designed to sit within the top edge allowing my dovetail mounting system to still be used on the top edges. The Hood overhangs the back slightly to allow the cable and bowden tube access and minimise drafts and heat loss, it is also suitable for those with feeders on both sides. The top hinges open to allow easy access and can be positioned in one of several locations. At the moment I am using Duct tape to hinge the 3 lid pieces together as this gives full flexibility and I have not yet decided on a camera mount or the type of knob etc for the lid. 2mm thick acrylic sheet can be obtained from a local DIY centre and can be easily scored and snapped with a suitable tool and a straight edge. There was no machining of the acrylic sheets other than drilling the mounting holes, and a little filing to finish. The mounting holes on the plastic parts were tapped M3. Update 29th April 2017 Parts added that can be used to make the hood from 3mm sheet. these all have the suffex of 3mmA. The parts given all make one side , (the left side as you look at it) you will need to mirror the two pieces that make the bottom front corner, the bottom back corner and the top back corner. I have not built them to check as I don't have 3mm sheet. You will also need to adjust the width of the back piece, the top and the other pieces that cross from the two sides, (this should be by 2mm from the dimensions given)


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over 5 years
I think the construction of the top is slightly different and so the corner parts won’t locate properly.
over 5 years
Will this also fit the Ultimaker 3?
almost 8 years
Fantastic! Thank you :)
almost 8 years
Hi Lee, Hopefully the pieces added with the suffex 3mmA should be ok for using 3mm Sheet, please let me know how you get on, Izzy
almost 8 years
Hi Izzy That would be awesome, thanks. It is definitely 3mm. Cheers Lee
almost 8 years
Hi Lee, The only real problem area is the corner posts, inner and outer pieces, the Fi, Fo and the Rb corner. as these clamp together either side of the 2mm acrylic, the holes of the two pieces wouldn't align. also the lip on the edge pieces would be a little shy. If i have a bit of time this week end ill edit a second set for 3mm acryli sheet, Could you let me know if its 3mm od 1/8" (ie 3.175mm) sheet. Cheers, Izzy
almost 8 years
Hi Thanks for the design, I plan on making this. Just one thing, I can only get ahold of 3mm acrylic at the moment (I live on a small island in the Mediterranean!), would I need to make any changes? If so, where? Many thanks for your time Lee

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