WARNING !IF YOU USE THIS HEAD WITH THE DEFAULT UM2 FIRMWARE IT WILL CRASH INTO THE FRONT OF THE PRINTER AT PRINTSTART !!ALWAYS LEVEL YOUR BED AFTER A HEADCHANGE.This Plotter fits the Ultimaker2 modular printhead.https://www.youmagine.com/designs/modular-printhead-for-ultimaker2-v2-2Unlike in a normal ballpoint, in this thing you need to place the spring at the BACK of the pen.I modified my firmware to keep away from the edges of the printer a few cm more during print start and bed leveling. This is where I learned how; http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6436-more-information-during-print/?p=96906use CURA to load a photo, total hight around 0.8, layers 0.1Other settings after picture import;Z hop 3mmCut off object bottom, play with this depending on the picture, look at layer view.Nozzle size, this determines the distance between infill lines. From the 2 pictures included here one is at 0.4 nozzle, the other at 2.5mmWhen starting the print, just dial bed temp and nozzle temp to 0 and the printing will start.This article provides the use on a CURA setting file, but I did not use it; https://ultimaker.com/en/stories/view/99-transform-your-ultimaker-in-a-desktop-pen-plotterhttp://youtu.be/gbDo1wA9bQs
How is that extension screwed on, where are the screws going in on the bottom?
Created a laser mount for the modular head recently and melted in M3 nuts. That's ok, but is there a better way?