ultimaker syringe extruder

By Joris

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ultimaker syringe extruder

By Joris

at 2024-05-03
[sorry these are not the best pictures...]www.facebook.com/europerminutedesignPrint the file in nice colours.screw in on top of the ultimaker exruder headuse the existing plunge or print a new one and use just the rubbernow the trick: use the filament to push the plunge. For better retraction light the filemant and melt it to the plungeplay a little with the settings [extruder speed must be a lot slower!] and start with simple shapesif the filament grinds, detach it from the plunge, cut 7 cm and melt againwhat i still need is an extra thing to attach to the sliding blocks that could hit the end stops. It could be something very simple clicked or screw which you can remove easy when printing 'normal' again.It should work more or less the same on a makerbot i think. Let me know...!!

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Joined over 11 years ago rooiejoris@gmail.com

Joris van Tubergen (1977) studied Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology. His fascination for digital production resulted in 2008 in joining the startup of Protospace, Fablab Utrecht. Joris is [part time] Creat...


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