Ultimaker keychain gearbox

By UltiErik

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Ultimaker keychain gearbox

By UltiErik

at 2023-10-17
Simple key chain gearbox based on Tony Buser's dissolvable support gearbox. To be printed with support material that is dissolvable, e.g. with an Ultimaker 3. You can modify the tolerances and such by opening the SCAD file in OpenSCAD. Important variables you can change are: - `shell_radius = 25;` - `ring_radius = 2.1;` - `gear_height = 4.5;` - `gear_cutout_height = 6;` - `gear_z_gap = 0.5;` - `case_fillet_mm = 1;`
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Joined over 11 years ago Tilburg, the Netherlands

Erik is long time 3D printing fanatic, has been an early RepRap contributor and is one of the co-founders Ultimaker BV. He created YouMagine while at Ultimaker. YouMagine is no longer an Ultimaker-owned platform, but Erik continues to develop and impr...


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