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Ultimaker ESP32-Cam

Published at 2020-04-09

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This is a video camera for an Ultimaker 3D printer. It uses a very inexpensive ESP32-Cam module. These can be purchased from Amazon: I like these modules because they have built in WiFi and can run a small web server in it. This allows you to use a browser on a MAC or PC or a Phone to see the video images directly. There are two types of camera lens modules that can be used with the ESP32-Cam. one is a simple 1:1 (normal) lens. The other is a fish eye lens. I have provided a case to fit both of these modules. I was able to buy a package of 3 fish eye lenses from Banggood: The normal lens must be positioned on its side for an upright image and the fish eye lens must be positioned with the lens up to produce an upright image. This is why there are two different brackets. The fish eye lens works the best. An example fish eye view photo is included. It is the last photo in the list The brackets fit on any of the Ultimaker edges. But be cautious. If you place the bracket on the left it will be knocked off by the print head. If you place the bracket on the front of the UIltimaker the print head will press against the camera during a filament change operation. I like it on the front of the printer since the head rarely comes near it. just move it out of the way during a filament change. I have provided the web server program for the ESP32 (esp32-cam-streamonly.ino) You will need an FTDI interface to program the board using the Arduino IDE. The FTDI to ESP32 wiring diagram is included (second to last photo). 9/3/2019 Added fish eye corner bracket. This one is even better than the front mount bracket because it never gets hit by the print head. 9/4/2019 Added normal lens corner bracket. This one is even better than the front mount bracket because it never gets hit by the print head. 9/22/2019 Replaced (esp32-cam-streamonly.ino) file with a newer version that removed un-needed header files. 9/27/2019 Added an external antenna bracket to the project. This allows you to use an External antenna on your ESP32-Cam. I used Fusion 360 to design this item ... Thank you Autodesk !


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