Ultimaker 2 Front Door with hidden magnetic catch

By NEATman

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Ultimaker 2 Front Door with hidden magnetic catch

By NEATman

at 2024-05-02
I have added a second version to work with 5mm thick clear plastic for the front door.  The original version is for 1/4" (6.35mm).  I also added the SolidWorks 2015 files for the parts.This is a door assembly for the Ultimaker 2 that is easily added with no permanent modifications to the machine. The hinges mount to existing holes using slightly longer screws.  The door can be swung almost 270 degrees along the side of the machine.  It can also be easily lifted off.  There is a hidden magnetic catch to keep it closed.The magnet is held in the 1/4" thick acrylic door by the handle. You will need to tap the M3 threads into the handle to accept two of the three screws removed from the side of the machine. The second magnet is double sided taped or glued inside the front panel next to the light strip.For strength, I printed these at 100% infill.  I used black to make it look more like it was an original option for the machine.If you prefer the door to open to the right, I believe all you would have to do is mirror the parts.Depending on your printer settings, you may need to drill out the pivot pin holes slightly.



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