Im Printing the new version now,Ill report back how it works.
almost 9 years
My English is not good.
waternut13134 I'll downsize the holes. (I already have a loose screw)
Laben Have from you only the fan position seen and then applied to my model and make a big difference to my old inclined version.
almost 9 years
Yes,Maybe 1MM or 1.5MM the holes are just a tad bit to big where the screws cant grasp the plastic to hold the fan.
almost 9 years
Oh wait, this isn't my original model anymore :)
almost 9 years
Need a revised model with smaller holes?
almost 9 years
Just installed the latest version,everything fits great besides the holes for the fans,they are a bit to big.
about 9 years
Have new update releases.
Ultimaker 2 fan Mount V2.3 The Olsson Block
Tool For Nozzle Guard V1.0
Nozzle Guard V1.0
about 9 years
It looks I started a whole family of fan mount designs. Nice to see :)
over 9 years
How far looks the nozzle out. (With me ca.3.5mmm)
Give them equal 100% or stagger the speed.
Cura setting:
Maximum fan in height: 0.7mm
over 9 years
I keep getting some heater errors when i go PLA and 100% fans, now i go with fans 60% , do you get any errors? Im usting same kapton tape as you.
over 9 years
Yeah i sorted it out. Removed some material from the model and changed the degree of where the fans are mounted.
over 9 years
I had the same problem, but with my new Ultimaker with standard fan mount of Ultimaker. Have then the holes of end stop milling as a slot + the screws I have sunk in the fan, since been I had no problem.
possibly enough so the last chance but brings only a few millimeters.
translated by Google
over 9 years
i downloaded the ohlsson block version. The left fan hits the wall. Anyhing i can do about that? Its the switch doesnt click because of the fan hitting the wall to early. hope you understand my bad english :)
Christopher Bray
over 9 years
Is there any chance that you could share the source CAD file or a STEP file? I just broke the little mounting bracket off and I would like to beef that up.
Please and thanks.
over 9 years
<p>Wenige Millimeter. Ich werde bald ein aktuelles Bild hochladen.<br></p><p>a few millimeters. I will soon upload a current picture.</p>
over 9 years
<p>Great tnx for the olsson version but for what distance need the nozzle to get out from the hole?</p>
over 9 years
<p><b><u>Update V1.8:</u></b><br> <b>Fan mount 2X V1.8</b><br> • no temperature error more<br> • Fans can rotate 100% (ABS 50%)<br> • no metal shield longer necessary<br> <b>Fan mount 2X V1.8 "The Olsson block"</b><br> • For "The Olsson block" modified<br> • no temperature error<br> • Fans can rotate 100% (ABS 50%)<br> • no metal shield longer necessary</p>
over 9 years
<p><b>Yes, there will be a model for the Olsson block.</b><br>I ordered one about 1 1/2 weeks ago.<br>Will then adapt my model once the Olson Bloch has arrived.<br>PS: Did the problem with temperature fluctuation solved a closed model. (Kapton tape necessary)<br>Will it then bundled into a model upload.</p>
over 9 years
<p>Hi, I like your fan holder, Do you plan to do it for the olsson block?</p>
over 9 years
</p><p><u><b>Update V1.6</b></u></p>
<p>Gebt mir Feedbacks</p>
<p>Habe 2 neue Modelle hochgeladen sind auf jedem
Fall besser wie V1.11. <br></p><p>Das Beste Modell V1.7 kann bei 100% Fan, aber Die
Temperatur nicht halten, erst bei bestimmter Höhe (Bauteilabhängig) kann auf 100% Fan erhöht werden.</p><p>Give me feedback<br>Have uploaded 2 new models is better than V1.11.<br>The best model V1.7 can at 100% fan but the temperature does not holding, only at a certain level (component-dependent) may be increased to 100% fan.</p>
almost 10 years
</p><p>Vielen Danke für das positive Feedback</p><p></p><p></p><p>
</p><p>Thank you very much for the positive feedback</p>
almost 10 years
<p>Funktioniert sehr gut. Auch die Genauigkeit des Drucks ist wesentlich besser. Danke für die gute Konstruktion.<br></p><p>Works very well. Also, the accuracy of the pressure is much better. Thanks for the good construction.</p>