Ultimaker 2 Enclosure With Air Filter For Perfect ABS Prints

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Ultimaker 2 Enclosure With Air Filter For Perfect ABS Prints

Published at 2024-05-03


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Joined almost 11 years ago 3dPrintFileMarket.com


This enclosure is designed to work with an activated carbon air filter plus an exhaust vent with activated carbon and a nanoparticulate filter (better than HEPA). Put a thermometer inside the build chamber and adjust the amount of activated carbon filtration media to adjust the temperature inside the build chamber. The more filtration media, the less exhaust airflow, the higher the temperature. For ABS prints that don't crack, curl, nor warp, the temperature inside the build chamber should be 100 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. A free downloadable 3d printed activated carbon air filter plus an exhaust vent with activated carbon and a nanoparticulate filter are available from http://www.3dprintfilemarket.com . Unlike other designs that use expensive cartridges that cost $40 per month to operate, this design uses affordable activated carbon granules and surgical masks that cost only pennies per month of operation. Other enclosure designs also require expensive laser cutters. This design is entirely 3d printed and doesn't require any laser cutting. Enjoy! InstructionsNote: each numbered block of instructions match with a numbered illustration in the images section. 1. Go to the hardware store and have them cut some 2 mm acrylic panels for you; Qty 2 x 200 mm x 320 mm for front and back of hood, Qty 2 x 200 mm x 328 mm for sides of hood, Qty 1 x 320 mm x 328 mm for top of hood, and Qty 1 x 316 mm x 320 mm for the removable front window. On the back of hood 2 mm acrylic panel, on the bottom of the panel, measure 50 mm from the left edge and cut a 40 mm wide x 80 mm tall hole through the panel. On this same panel, on the top of the panel, measure 80 mm from the left edge and 15 mm from the top edge for the position of the 40 mm fan. Mark 4 points that are the corners of a square that is 32 mm on each side. Using a 7/64 inch drill bit, drill out the 4 marked points. In the center of these 4 holes, use a compass to draw a circle with a 25 mm diameter. Using your smallest drill bit, drill all along the circumference. Then, using a small electric saw or a very sharp hobby knife, cut out this 25 mm diameter hole.   2. Hold 2 acrylic panels and a corner fastener together and mark all the points to drill on the acrylic panels in order to match with the corner fasteners. Do this for all the panels and corner fasteners. Use a 1/4 inch drill bit to drill everywhere that you've marked. Use a needdle nose plier and an adjustable wrench to bolt all the acrylic panels to the corner fasteners. Seal the edges with silicone caulk.   3. Attach panel hangers and panel clip to your Ultimaker.   4. On top of removable front window panel, mark a point 15 mm from the top and 15 mm from the left. Mark another point 15 mm from the top and 15 mm from the right. Use a 1/4 inch drill bit to drill through these marks. Screw in 2 bolts into these holes but do not allow the bolt ends to go all the way through and protrude from the panel.   5. Slip the removable front window panel into the bottom panel clip on your Ultimaker. Mark where you would have to drill in order for the panel to hang on the two panel hangers attached to your Ultimaker. Use a 5/16 inch drill bit to drill through these marks. At least 6 mm below these holes, use a compass to draw a 22 mm diameter circle. Using your smallest drill bit, drill many holes all along the circumference of this circle. Use a hobby knife or saw to cut out this circle. Cut an 8 mm wide channel from the top of this circle to the 5/16 inch hole you drilled right above this circle.    HINTS; If the bolts are too tight, oil them with vegetable oil before screwing them in. If the panel hangers and panel clips don't fit, soften them with a heat gun and make them fit. These pieces are a tight fit on purpose. If the pieces are looser, then they will shake apart while the Ultimaker is printing.  If the removable front panel window doesn't fit on the panel hangers, do not use a bigger drill bit. Doing so will cause the panel to rattle while the Ultimaker is printing. Just insert your 5/16 inch drill bit and wiggle it around while drilling for a minute or two. This will loosen it enough to fit, but not too loose so that it rattles.   Print these pieces in ABS. To prevent cracking, warping and curling while printing these pieces before you've built your enclosure, create a temporary enclosure with plastic wrap and electrical tape.   All pieces are printed without supports exept for UltimakerCase3.stl . Print UltimakerCase3.stl with supports. Remove support structures with a needle nose plier before use. Update 6/27/14The hood on top of the Ultimaker was a bit wobbly, so I added reinforcements to the seams between the front and back pieces with the side pieces of the hood. The updated build plate is UM2FullPlateA2.stl . Be sure to glue these reinforcements to the acrylic plates.


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over 8 years
The STLs for the air filter on the other site seem to have broken geometry.
almost 9 years
Anyone knows if printing these parts in PLA works or there are specific reasons why it'd have to be ABS?
over 9 years
Can you upload some additional photos of the finished enclosure? I'm keen to use your instructions and files, and I want to be clear on exactly how to put it together. A few extra photos of the finished enclosure, from different angles, particularly showing the filters in place and where the Ultimaker cable goes, would be extremely helpful!
over 9 years
Is it possible to get more finish product pictures it helps allot. RE Primož
almost 10 years
<p>Hi</p><p>Ok, thanks. That's great general advice. It would be great if someone who have don this print could print some more photos of the finished enclosure...</p>
almost 10 years
<p>wdwms, please note that my instructions state it uses 2mm acrylic sheets. <br></p><p>joarb, you may print it out at any infill percentage you want, but here is my advice for all your 3d prints; <br></p><p>1. rough draft = 10% infill</p><p>2. has to look good or will be a mechanical non-weight supporting part = 20% infill</p><p>3. weight supporting part = 40% infill</p><p>4. weight supporting and mechanical part or part supporting a lot of weight = 80% fill</p><p>So, ask yourself if you'll be putting stuff on top of the hood (decorations, trophies, etc.) or will you leave it alone? I would print it out at 20% and not put anything on top of the 3d printer. You could even get away with just 10% fill if you print it out with 2 shells and try not to handle it too roughly. </p>
almost 10 years
<p>I'll give this design a try. What infill did you print at?</p>
almost 10 years
<p>What is the thickness of the acrylic sheets? Can you advise on what you used? Thanks!</p>
almost 10 years
<p>I followed the link but I am unable to see any other pictures but the one on the page which only shows the top. Are there more pictures?</p>
over 10 years
That would be great, thank you so much.
over 10 years
Sure. Give me some time to sift through the open source files of the Ultimaker Original and I'll adapt the design. I didn't design one for the original because I was afraid that they were going to phase out the Original but evidently they're not phasing it out as the Original could do some things that the UM2 cannot do, like dual nozzle printing.
over 10 years
This enclosure is brilliant. Is there a way to fit this design to an Ultimaker Original?
over 10 years
Please follow the link in the description to download and print out the air filter and pics of the setup. One air filter and fan is recirculating inside the enclosure. Another air filter and fan is an exhaust unit. The more filter media you have on the exhaust unit, the slower the exhaust, the higher the temperature. You can use a more powerful fan rated at higher CFM to push more air through a higher amount of activated carbon if you want. Here is the link again: http://www.3dprintfilemarket.com . Click on "ABS 3d Printer Nanoparticle and Chemical Exhaust Air Filter" and "Air Filter for ABS 3d printers". There's even nice pics for you there, too. Enjoy!
over 10 years
do youhave any more puctures showing the installed enclosure? do you have one with the filter and a fan to control temperature?

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