UBISxUltimaker Printhead

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UBISxUltimaker Printhead

Published at 2024-05-03

By nhfoley



22 objects 69 Followers
Joined almost 11 years ago nhfoley@gmail.com


 Update 2014/07/09:This is a new version, smaller, lighter, stronger, more reliable than older versions. Installation is unchanged. It is critical that this part is printed in a material with great layer bonding properties, otherwise the bosses will split.This setup is significantly lighter, smaller, and easier to maintain than the stock hotend, and probably any other aftermarket setup as well.  Clogging has been nonexistent. Z build height has been increased. Ringing should be reduced. Wobble due to linear bearing play should be reduced. Complex assembly and disassembly routines are a thing of the past.  Notes:- The UBIS is a thermistor-based design, which will mean adding a 4.7k ohm resistor to R23 on the main board and changing your firmware slightly.  - There is no provision for a fan mount, because it is intended to work with a crossflow fan as suggested by [foehnsturm on the UM forums](http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/2839-the-physics-of-cooling/?p=24211).  - The hotend clamp is tightened with four #2 x 0.5" plastite screws (http://www.mcmaster.com/#99512a162/=pw83rw).  


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about 10 years
Thanks. I was definitely running on the hot side, but the Monoprice filament doesn't seem to flow well below 227 C, and I wanted to prioritize layer adhesion over bridging.
about 10 years
<p>Yeah, looks like inadequate cooling/printing too hot, but as you say, that is highly material-dependent. I would try re-printing with more aggressive cooling or a filament which can handle lower temperatures. I recommend Gizmo Dorks if you are in the US... it is very low cost and extremely high quality... maybe the best I've used.</p><p><br></p><p>Also, I did reuse the bowden push fit connector.&nbsp;</p>
about 10 years
Also, did you reuse the bit for retaining the bowden tube from the original hotend, or did you use a new part. If so, would you mind giving a part number or specs.
about 10 years
Below is a link to&nbsp;a&nbsp;pic of the inside side of the assembly. Quality doesn't look that great. Biggest issue is the overhang that covers the top of the ubis. The hot end seems to fit well, so I am not sure it is even worth fixing; however, if you have some advice on getting a better result, I would be happy to have it.&nbsp;<div>-</div><div><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="http://i.imgur.com/kTtjr2n.jpg">http://i.imgur.com/kTtjr2n.jpg</a>&nbsp;</div><div>-</div><div>Sliced with Cura and printed on UMO in Monoprice 3 mm white PLA. Layer Height 0.15 mm; Shell thickness 1.6 mm; Fill Density 95%; print speed 30 mm/s; print temperature 230 C (the monoprice PLA seems to need a higher temp to flow well than the UM supplied filament.); retraction speed 40 mm/s; retractions distance 5 mm (using c-clip as well); z hop when retracting 0.3 mm. Let me know if any other specs would be helpful. </div>
about 10 years
Rotated 90degrees; Solidworks uses a Y up coordinate system for some reason...
about 10 years
What orientation is this meant to be printed in?
over 10 years
Thanks for the .step file!
over 10 years
Hi Nick, Do you have the .STEP files of this design? I tried it with PLA & crossflow and it works great but I'd like to print ABS too and in order to do that I will have to add a fan mount on it.

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