Two Fox Viking themed light switch plate

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Two Fox Viking themed light switch plate

Published at 2016-10-25


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I change the size of the base bigger than the Fox Viking themed light switch plate version from How I create the model: I download the fox image from I use Inkscape to convert 2D cat image to generate path to openSCAD. I use openSCAD to design light switch plate with Key Racks. I open cat.SCAD file in openSCAD and then copied all the code and pasted them into my light switch plate with Key Racks. I use Inkscape to convert 2D image to generate path to openSCAD. The problem is installing the software. My laptop is Mac. I downloaded the Inkscape software from I need to download XQuartz software from To use the function OpenSCAD converter from Inkscape, I need to add these two files into Inkscape extension folder from In Mac, these files are hidden. I need to use terminal to find these files and then move them to Inkscape folder by using these commands. mv ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/ mv paths2openscad.inx ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/


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