A light dimmer knob remixed from the Basic Trilobite (Thingiverse thing 758706). We're a big Girl Genius fan family so this was a fantastic addition to the household.The settings for the shaft diameter make it a nice snug press fit on my dimmer shaft with my printer, but you may have to play with it. The SCAD is there.I printed in gold PLA then used Spanish Coffee Rub-N-Buff on it to give it a nice finish.I had to run the original Trilobite STL through Netfabb, it was kind of a mess and was blowing up my software. The fixed STL is included here, it's down from 27 to 4 megs for the same object and loads cleanly now.I normally release my stuff Public Domain, but I'm restricted from doing so because the source for the Trilobite is CC-non-commercial. Sorry. Talk to the originator of the original design if you want to sell these.