Toyota Pickup 89-95 Lower Dash Speaker Mount Bracket Adapter Plates for 4" inch speakers.
These adapter plates allow you to mount replacement 4" speakers in place of the factory ones. In my case, i mounted Pioneer TS-D1002R 2-Way 4" Car Speakers in my 1991 Toyota Pickup 2WD Standard Cab /w 22RE engine.
One is for the driver side, the other for the passenger. The passenger side mount is as close to a 45' angle as possible. The drivers side mount is vertical. You screw the mount to the speaker, then the mount to the factory screw holes.
Used sketchup + calipers to measure the 120mm distance between the two toytota factory screw holes that mount the factory speakers. Then measured the new pioneer speakers i got to create a snug gasket around each speaker. I then Printed the brackets in ABS, and Acetone smoothed them.