A testprint to check the printer tolerance by printing two interconnected parts by using nine difference tolerance.
More info can be read in ReadMe.pdf
By loading the files tolerance_test_part1.stl and tolerance_test_part2.stl you can test a printer with two Extruder
For printing you can use the single file tolerance_test.stl.
Or, if you like to print, using two colors or testing you two extruder printer version, you can use the files tolerance_test_part1.stl and tolerance_test_part2.stl.
I printed it by using PLA
Excellent idea with application to anyone who wants to determine the printing capability of their particular system and chosen filament.
I did translate your STL file to OpenSCAD so I could change the progression of the gap values more precisely.
* Assist to develop climate models * Designing of meteorological devices * Designing and sharing 3D printable products. * See also under:
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