Tiny 3D Pacman Fridge Magnets

By blecheimer

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Tiny 3D Pacman Fridge Magnets

By blecheimer

at 2018-01-06
WAKA - WAKA - WAKA Here comes Pacman and Inky, Pinky, Blinky & Clyde - for your fridge! And I added a scared ghost as well, just in case Pacman finds a super-pill in the fridge... Each model is made out of at least two parts and a Ø6x3mm magnet. Print the parts, put them together, use glue if necessary. If the fit is too tight, try scaling the models in your slicer. The models are quite small so this will be a challenging print. These are my settings on an Ultimaker Original: 0.05 layer height 0.8 shell 30 mm/s print speed (15 for outer walls) support on PS: I also added an assembled STL-part for each model, just in case you do not like the multi-part models. Then you only have to print one part and can paint the model later.
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