The UltiFaker

By psiewert

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The UltiFaker

By psiewert

at 2024-05-04
I've always wanted a 3D printer but the price range for the pre-built ones are insane. There is no way I'd pay upwards of $3000 for a printer that could be built for a fraction of the price. I was either going to design a completely custom printer or use alternate printer designs as a template and customize to reduce cost. I decided to copy the Ultimaker 2 Go as the files are readily available and the components are popular enough. I also didn't want to build a 3D printer that required 3D printed parts to construct. I used my CNC router to machine the frame panels and Z axis supports and all of the other components were redesigned or sourced to reduce cost. Total investment is under $600 for a printer that essentially costs $1600 brand new.



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