This is the first published design in a collection of planters I am producing. When I printed the original, it was pointed out that it looks like the Triforce from the Zelda series. (Disclaimer - I only know about Zelda from playing it once in the late 80s, and once on the Wii.) There are 3 mods of the original, adding some Zelda iconography I reconstructed from a Google image search, some fillets for a nice form, or both. Fill it with plants and watch them grow with the fertilizers of Power, Wisdom, and Courage. Maybe you can get the 'Proud Zelda' Hen and Chicks succulent in your area
Deliberate but questionable design traits:
No feet in spite of drainage holes. The drainage holes, as they are, won't work if the planter is placed of a flat surface. Feet were not added as this would require the entire print area to have supports. Consider sticking some bumper feet on the bottom so that the drainage holes work. Or do what I did and place it on a tray of gravel.
The compartments are isolated. My wife, a horticulturalist, tells me that this is beneficial for succulents as each individual demands a very specific amount of water, and this configuration allows watering to be tailored to each plant. (My other work-in-progress planters are designed for common plants, and share a common soil volume - stay tuned if those are the kind you're after.)
I printed it in PLA, I suppose ABS would work fine too. Rotate 15 degrees on the Z axis to have it fit on a 150mm x 150mm build platform.