This is my standard test part, which most challenges you'd face in your prints. These include:- Bridges from 10 to 80mm- A couple 4mm holes for sizing in all orientation- Two gear-like profiles, which are sensitive to curling issues- Overhangs from 0 to 90°- Solid top surfaces- Solid horizontal surfaces- Solid sloped surfaces- Pins from 1 to 10mm- Horizontal size references in 5mm (end block), 50mm and 90mm- Vertical size reference in 5mm and 10mm- Sharp corners for ringing issues- Rounded corners for "jerk" testing- Prints on top of the bridge for bridge quality testing- Detailed text in various font sizes- Bed adhesion test (end block)- Long travel moves for retraction testingAll that while using less than 10g of filament.As seen here:
Thanks for uploading this... it'll come in very handy. BTW - enjoy your videos on youtube... very informative especially for someone fairly new to 3D printing.