The BeagleBox: a dirt cheap, tough-as-nails field computer

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The BeagleBox: a dirt cheap, tough-as-nails field computer

Published at 2024-05-03


16 objects 7 Followers
Joined about 10 years ago


Support this and other projects through my Patreon: is tough. You're in the elements, facing wind, rain, and salt spray, sometime on an open boat far out in the Atlantic. You and your gear takes a beating. But you're out there because there's science that need to get done.But your equipment is controlled via computer, and your data entry mandates a computer, which means your precious laptop needs to come with you. For graduate students and early career scientists, this can be a dilemma. I've see the calculations happen as my colleagues prepare for the field--Do I take my one and only computer out into the field and risk damaging it, or do I leave it brute-force my way through sampling without it. That is, if they're lucky enough to have alternative methods they can employ. For some gear, there's no choice but to take the computer.This equation is, counter-intuitively, getting worse. Our sensors, sampling devices, and scanners are getting cheaper and lighter. Rather than buying a $20,000 piece of equipment, you can get a $20 chip, but there's a trade off, and the trade off is that chip based systems rely on external processing power, they need a general computer, and that means your laptop is coming with you.I don't like going out on the water with my laptop. Losing it would be frustrating and time consuming. It's tough, but it's not tough-as-nails. And it's definitely not cheap.So I tapped into the wealth of Maker experience I've accumulated over the last few years and build a new one, using a single board computer, some extra peripherals, and a 3D printer. And I shoved the whole thing into a Pelican case. Say hello to the BeagleBox, a dirt cheap, tough-as-nails field computer for about $200.Full description can be found here: this and other projects through my Patreon:


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