Test Prints U3E

By meteoGRID

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Test Prints U3E

By meteoGRID

at 2024-05-06
Some simple printer files to test the behave of your printer - 30mm_cube_$$$.stl A 30x30x30 mm cube, which has a number on the top. $$$ -> 010 can be used for a print with a nozzle of 0.1 mm $$$ -> 025 can be used for a print with a nozzle of 0.25 mm $$$ -> 040 can be used for a print with a nozzle of 0.4 mm $$$ -> 080 can be used for a print with a nozzle of 0.8 mm $$$ -> 100 can be used for a print with a nozzle of 1.0 mm - 30mm_cube_4Level.stl A cube which can be used to check the behave how good the printer is doing the corner of cubs, when the cube decrease to 1/8 of the ground. The ground cube starts by 30x30x30 mm

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* Assist to develop climate models * Designing of meteorological devices * Designing and sharing 3D printable products. * See also under: --- https://www.meteogrid.de/index.php?id=61 --- https://cults3d.com/en/users/meteoGRID --- https://www.thre...


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