For a long time, I've wanted to automate the plugging in of my electric car. When I saw Juan had already started designing a snake arm that resemble's the one Tesla is prototyping, I thought, why not give it a try. My car is already being charged by open source electronics, but this project just seemed like to much fun and too interesting not to do it.'m planning on using computer vision with an off the shelf component called "Pixy" CMUcam5 and have it recognize the position and rotation of color codes. Little pairs of stickers that need to appear in the right place before the final insertion is executed.Changes compared to the original by Juan Sirgado y Antico (link: - Made snakebody() more parametric - The 3 cables need a more smooth path to move properly - Removed a lot of "flesh" from the model - Made the ball joint neck a bit smaller so it can have a bigger hole on the inside without sacrificing strength.