This is a octopus tool holder 'Octo-Tool' for the LulzBot TAZ 6 3D Printer (it fits all the tools that come with that machine) - but you could easily modify the design for your own set of tools.
Blog Post about this design here -
YouTube Video here -
Print out the Octopus model on the TAZ 6 at full scale. Also print out one 20mm aluminium clip holder - you need two m3 nuts and some 6mm m3 bolts with a flat or dome head.
Unbolt the top left section of your TAZ6 Z azif mount (see images) and slide in the clip holder, when placed in the location you want, tighten the m3 bolts.
Not you can thermo-form your Octo-Tool with tentacles in any shape or position you like. Make sure not to obscure the moving X axis on the machine.
If you also print out the hex tool holder that slides into a tentacle, so bend that one up.
A medium sized glue stick will also fit into the tentacle that's been closed up on the model
The top tool holder fits the TAZ6 and can be slotted onto the same left hand Z axis mount using the existing bolts, just slightly unscrew and slot, then tighten. This fits the pliers and many SD cards for the machine.
The main point of this model is to show that a 3D print can be formed into something more exciting and useful after 3D printing. So if you have a design idea, do think about making it easy to print and thermo-forming after printing.
Ideally use PLA or nGen (PET) based materials as they are easy to thermo-form after 3D Printing - using a hot-air gun or hot water.
Richard Horne (RichRap) is an Electronics Engineer,
Product Designer, Salesman, and Problem Solver working in a wide range of
industries and applications, across many platforms and technologies for the
last 20 years.
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